I’ve been really really focused on a goal. It’s more personal than business, and what it is doesn’t really matter, but let’s just say, I have had on BLINDERS for this goal. It’s a 60 day sprint.
I listen to podcasts, I check in daily with friends. I’m telling those in my circle what I’m trying to do, my desk is covered in a chart with daily scribbles of progress.
THIS GOAL IS HAPPENING. In my mind it is happening.
This goal is what the experts call SMART. It’s achievable. I’m not trying to become a Radio City Rockette. Although this was a longtime dream of mine!
Each and every day in August I looked for this goal. I started out the day expectant with how God would show up in my day with a tiny or large piece of progress.
He did. It came.
Then the calendar changed to September.
I’m so tired of plotting and planning and 100% focus. You just can’t do that forever.
So it’s September 5 here today and I’m feeling less than stellar and I’m sort of complaining and have a little piece of “this is impossible” stuck to my shoulder.
I haven’t charted anything this month.
I haven’t been expectant each morning.
So I stopped.
I thought.
I prayed.
I realized that the goal progress is happening.
God is still showing up.
But the things I saw as divine opportunities for advancement last month feel like mosquitos to me this month (annoying + pointless).
A perspective shift later, I am back in the game.
1 more month.
New opportunities each day, they are there.
DON’T MISS IT! Gosh, Christine, DO NOT MISS IT.
So whatever might be on your plate today, whatever you are currently seeing as annoying, I wonder if it could actually be an opportunity that you have longed for. Prayed for. Hoped for. SO OFTEN YOUR KNEES ARE BLEEDING.
It might be dressed up as a little something different…and it might offer more than you ever imagined possible.
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