I think my sister and I are channeling Laura Ingalls these days.
We totally made our own clothes soap.
It was really cheap. Under $7 and this will last forever!
You can totally do this too, it’s super easy.
To make about 4 mason jars full you will need:
6 cups Borax
4 cups baking soda
4 cups washing soda
4 cups Fels-Naptha bar soap (almost 2 bars)
UPDATE: This is totally your decision, but some new studies are showing that Borax powder fumes may cause reproductive harm in men. You may try adding more baking and washing soda instead of the Borax and see how you like the results. Another commenter made her’s into a liquid, which would cut out the fumes of the Borax:
“I have made as a liquid. I grate one bar of soap, melt in a pot of water (even let it boil for just a second, but not bubble over!) Add 1c borax, 1c washing soda, mix, make sure it’s all incorporated, and put in three different gallon containers. Add water to top and shake hard. Use around 1c per load”-Melissa
Grate the bar soap, I have read that you can use Dove or some other soap if you can’t find this particular one.
But I will say…
I live in the city.
The C.I.T.Y.
No chickens. No cows.
And my Publix sold all this stuff.
Now put it all in a bowl and mix it really well.
Also, you should know, this is very powdery and was starting to go everywhere.
Up our nose, in our mouth.
Just sayin. Try to mix carefully.
Now put it in jars or an air-tight container.
You will need 2 tablespoons per load.
OK, here’s the deal on the HE washing machines.
HE washing machines need special soap that is low-sudsing.
And this is, so you really should be fine.
It’s totally safe in mine and my sisters.
Also the Duggars have a recipe that’s similar and they use it in HE. So there ya go.
You can make a sweet tag if you want to give as a gift.
I used cotton butcher twine to attach a clothes pin.
Then added a homemade tag that you can download here.
(Thanks Graphics Fairy for the label border)
I thought later that I should have included instructions on how much to use.
I think it would be cute to write it on the clothes pin.
Or you could attach another tag.
Happy Little House on the Prairie!
And happy saving a lot of money.
I am linking to Saturday Night Special!
PS…want about 50 tips and tricks for this recipe?
The comments are worth a read:)
oh and also…
I really really want to respond to every single amazing comment. But truth is…it’s getting really hard!
So know that I love you and I love that you are here and visited my blog and took time out of your day to comment:)
This is a great recipe! We are almost out and are planning to make another batch this afternoon. I love that my little girl is old enough to help out!
Thank you so much for your instructions and the cute tag. I work at a senior center, and a group of us just made your recipe and it in mason jars. They all had a blast, and thought the tags darling! Very clever gift idea!
You totally make my day! Thanks Lesley!
I just made a batch of this but I added an entire bottle of downy unstoppables (the aqua one because I LOVE the scent). Then, I put mixture, in batches, into my food processor and the downy unstoppables turned to poweder along wtih everything else. Yay!
Fun new twist on this recipe! Thanks Andrea!
Andrea..that sounds great about using the Downy unstoppables (looking for a coupon now!)..I am gearing up to make this recipe tomorrow. :)
I added 3 bars of fels naptha with all of the ingredients. It takes forever to grate, and if you have huge swirls like the ones here you should just add it to the barrel. I also added some lavender essential oil, but it didn’t really make much of a difference.
I’m wondering about a bar castile soap instead of the Fels Naptha.
not sure anyone has tried that, but people are using all sorts of soap, so I would say it’s worth a try! With a HE washing machine just make sure it’s a low-suds ingredient
I have used a bar of Dr Bronner’s castile and it work fine. Easier ti grate too.
Awesome. I wondered about using Dr Bronners soap.
How much does this recipe make?
Hey!! About 18 cups or almost 4 mason jars, and you will need about 2 tablespoons per load.
Hope that helps:)
I hear and read of washing soda, but I’ve never seen it here in Canada. Are there any other names for it or am I talking to all the wrong people?
It should be at your grocery in the clothes soap isle. I guess you can see the box in my blog post. I’ve also heard it carried at ace hardware here, so maybe another similar store would carry there for you? Or maybe you could buy online.
Hope you can locate it!
Thanks for reading:)
You can make your own washing soda from baking soda in your oven. Just bake the soda in your oven on a sheet tray in a nice even layer for about 30 minutes at 400F. Mix it at intervals while you bake it. Let it cool completely and then add it to your laundry soap recipe. Easy!
Sarah..I think that is amazing science!!! When baking soda is at high heat it loses water and CO2 and the ph changes making it washing soda…love it. :)
Christine, I’m in Canada too and finally found my washing soda at Home Hardware.
Washing soda is the chemical sodium carbonate. It is stronger and has a much higher ph than baking soda which is sodium bicarbonate. From what I have read you can make washing powder with either one. Of course, using washing soda will result in a stronger, better cleaning detergent. Washing soda is caustic and some recommend that you use caution when laundering clothing for babies or individuals with sensitive skin. I use a recipe that has washing soda and we haven’t had any problems with irritation and my son has somewhat sensitive skin.
The brand name is; 20 Mule Team Borax; lite green box with young cowgirl, Safeway and Wal-mart both carry it
At first, I had trouble finding washing soda too. But about two weeks ago, I looked very carefully in the detergent aisle at the grocery store and found it! It was with the other Arm&Hammer products, and it was in a blue box, the product itself was called SoClean, said washing soda right on the box! Hope this helps!
Hi Carrie,
I live 30 minutes east of Toronto and have been able to find it at No Frills and Home Hardware.
Thanks all!
I’ve definitely used Borax before. I’ve never heard it called washing soda.
And I think I’m going to have to try sticking baking soda in the oven…
Carrie, Borax and washing soda are not the same. They are made by two different companies.
Does it work in all water termperatures ?
Yes! I use it on all temps:)
I was going to ask the same thing, I wash nearly everything in cold water with the exception of towels and sheets but because of this would I have to use a food processor to make the grated soap “smaller”??
I haven’t had any problems with it dissolving or cleaning on any temp. You could also consider a fine cheese grater. Hope that helps!
I don’t recommend using Ivory soap unless you cook it. I thought that since it is so soft it would dissolve faster than Telex Naphtha but the opposite is true. Ivory does NOT dissolve well and I found myself with residue on all my clothes which required a second rinse cycle (not Eco -friendly). I loved the ease of grating Ivory but ended up having to boil water to dissolve my detergent before using it. : (
Sorry spell correct changed Fels Naptha.
helpful tips thanks Andrea!!!!
I just made a batch of this and it’s working it’s way through the first load in my house now. I couldn’t wait!
I have an infant in the house and a husband who is allergic and sensitive to everything, so I hope this works out for us. I will let you know!
It also occurs to me that I have a pile of Biz and a Costco-sized box of powdered Oxyclean I could use next time in place of — whatever? The Fels Napha or the Borax?
Oh, and I wanted to add, when I was a teen, I had a summer job cleaning cabins and the owner was super frugal and *gasp* made her own laundry soap, using the leftover little bars of hotel soap the guests left behind (she made us pick them up). She used an old fashioned hand crank grinder to grind the soaps into powder.
At 15 years old I was both horrified and fascinated. HOWEVER, i will say that the towels we put out for the guests were the fluffiest and yummiest smelling towels I have ever encountered!
I love your comments Amy!
And let me know how it’s working on the sensitive skin!
I am right now traveling in hotels. I have my handmade lye soap that I’m using, but my friend uses the hotel soaps and I feel it’s such a waste! Perhaps I’ll snag the rest of her half used bars and shred them when we get home!
Last week I made half of a batch and figured it out to make enough to wash 144 loads. My recipe does not include baking soda. Before I saw this blog I too used mason jars. I love the graphics fairy labeling. One thing I tried was to place sprigs of lavendar and rosemary in the jars not only will it hopefully infuse some delightful herbal scents, it looks pretty. I also picked up some old antique silver spoons at a yard sale and bent them like a ladle, I do love the addition of the close pin so cute. Thanks for your great blog:D
love love the spoon idea!
Your packaging is soo cute. Let me ask…what are the cover looking things on top of your lids? Where do you find them?
Those blue mason jars have a glass lid and then the ring, so there’s nothing additional there.
Go get those blue jars!!
I would really like to know how to make this into a liquid. do you just melt it down? will it stay that way???? Any help would be great, I am just starting to get into this stuff lol
Hi Tam –
I have made as a liquid. I grate one bar of soap, melt in a pot of water (even let it boil for just a second, but not bubble over!) Add 1c borax, 1c washing soda, mix, make sure it’s all incorporated, and put in three different gallon containers. Add water to top and shake hard. Use around 1c per load.
I also use the Downy unstoppables, just a small sprinkle in the load, and it’s great!
I put oxyclean and a bigger box of baking soda plus some smelly laundry crystals. I will never use anything else. Love the jars where did you find them?
yay! Glad you are making the recipe your own!
Can this detergent recipe be used for he washers?
Yes, I have used it in my HE for years. Just has to remain low-suds, so don’t add bubble bath or any craziness to it:)
I used the recipe and tags for a bridal shower gift today. The Bride-to-be loved it paired with a chicken wire basket and 2 sets of her towels. Thanks so much for the post!
Oh that’s wonderful! What a cute idea! Thanks Donna~
haven’t read all the comments so don’t know if this has been suggested but why not put the instructions on back of the cute tag you are already using?
Nice recipe for dry washing soap. I’ve made the liquid version with washing soda, borax, fels naptha soap for a few years. I use a front loader. This formula doesn’t create excess suds, perfect for HE. I finally clued in to grate the entire bar in the food processor and store it for when I need to make a new batch. I don’t know if this has been mentioned but you can buy the washing soda/soda ash in a 50# bag at a pool supply store for roughly $40. I get my baking soda in a 50# bag, too! I share with a few of my frugal friends.
Your post makes me want to try my next batch dry. Yes, Dawn dishwashing liquid is a terrific degreaser. Who needs a stain stick when you have a bar or fels?
Thanks for the great recommendations. Oh, I’ve made some WONDERFUL scented laundry soap by using some strongly scented homemade soaps I purchased at farmers’ market. Supports the local economy and I’ve already saved a bundle making my own for the washing machine!
Thank you soooo much for the pool supply tip, V! The first two stores I called were super expensive ($72 for 50lbs!), but the third was the lottery winner- $36 for 50lbs! Can you believe the difference? I’ve been making laundry soap for about a year now, with a slightly different formula- but I will definitely try this one and compare notes. :) Thanks, Christine!
where can I find Zote?
I found Zote at HyVee but I live in Iowa and they are all around here. I have been using homemade laundry soap for about a month now and just love it! If you process your soap in a bullet or similar device, be sure to put a little of the dry powder mix in with it as that works much better. I processed the whole batch and love the way it disolves instantly in the washing machine. I also throw in about 1/8 cup of the Downy Unstoppables for a little scent with each load but I may process that into the next batch and eliminate that step. Never thought I’d be making my own laundry soap but so glad I am. It’s fun and cheaper than buying.
I found Zote at walmart…I ought a box of zote flakes, so I was very happy to see the soap listed in terms of cups. I bought the fels naptha earlier, but it has petroleum based ingredients. Decided it would not be my preference. I will use it for stains!
I am a mom of 6 and have switched from Tide to this Homemade Laundry Soap and love it. I have hooked several other friends on it as well. It cleans stains as well as Tide for sure. One ADDED BENEFIT is I use WAY less Fabric Softener. So I save even more $$$. Thank you for sharing and saving us money on the boring things so we can buy more fun things!!
yay! Thanks Darcy!
Can you use this in a front loading washer? Also what is an HE washer?
Hey! Yes, that’s what I use, as long as you keep it low-suds. So don’t get crazy adding all kinds of soaps that suds a lot;0)
Hi Everyone! I happened onto this website when looking for gift ideas for my Sister-In-Law. I thought I’d chime in on the homemade laundry soap. Here’s the blog where I got the recipe that I use for the homemade laundry soap.
This recipe is cheap! Like the Author of the Blog says…the 2 Gallon size load really does cost like .71 cents to make. Calls for everything above (Not the Baking Soda…my understanding is Washing Soda is pretty much the same thing). It’s so easy to make and it lasts a really long time. When I make it, I double the recipe and it fits just fine in a 5 gallon Home Depot bucket. Sometimes I used a bit more of the laundry soap per batch if my clothes are really dirty. My clothes aren’t scratchy, stinky or stained. Oh…tip: Grease stains are easy to get out. Just pre-treat them with the cheap yellow Joy Dishsoap. Let it sit for a few minutes and wash. Magic!
My mother recommended I make homemade laundry soap for my boyfriend and I live on a very strict budget so I had wanted to try to make some but I talked to my boyfriend about it and he dosen’t want me to make it because he thinks he might be allergic to it and I tried to explain him that all the products in here were organic and eco-friendly and we would save a lot of money making it ourselves and he kept insisting that he would be allergic to it. Could he be allergic to this products them? Should I just go ahead and make it without him knowing and try it and see? Thanks.
Hey Heather! I have heard from lots of people that this is a much gentler soap and people aren’t allergic to it. I never used dreft, etc for my baby, always this, and he has pretty delicate skin. But, of course I don’t want to be responsible for a hive breakout!! YIKES! Would it be possible to try it on towels or something first that he will not actually be wearing? I would say it’s worth a try:)
Heather, Have you tried it out yet? I’m allergic to soooooo many things, mostly scent related. I have always used plain Tide and NO fabric softener because of my allergies, but I’ve learned so much here I’m gonna try this recipe and vinegar for softening…It all sounds so much BETTER for allergies than the store-bought stuff (I can’t even walk down that aisle in the store).
Made my first batch of laundry soap a few months ago and will never go back to using anything else! A few notes:
1) I always use baking soda. It deodorizes and sanitizes your laundry. Before I started making my own laundry detergent I always added baking soda to laundry.
2) Kirk’s Castile soap can be substituted for Fels Naptha. You have to use more bars (the bars are smaller) and its more expensive – but its gentler and smells fabulous.
3) Grating the soap was torture until I bought an old mouli grater off ebay and started using it. Its small so the soap has to be cut up, but it grates really well and the soap doesn’t ball up in it like it did in the bullet.
Love the mason jar, tags, string and clothespin. Beautiful gift idea. Thank you!
THanks LIsa!!! Those tips are great!
I have a question-if you were to sell it in the mason jars-what should we charge for it? I would like to sell at flea markets.
I sold some for $10 in a jar the size of the one shown. It was an art show for a charity though, so that price may or may not hold up in the real world:)
Good Luck!
Hi! I want to make these for teacher gifts for Christmas! I went to the Grafics Fairy Website, but could not find the border you used. I really like it, can you help me find it? Thx!
If you click on the “homemade tag you can download here” text up where it says where I got the border, it should open the label for you to print, just as I designed it. If you can’t get it, email me and I will send back to you;0)
I am wondering about the use of hard water with this recipe. My water softer has died on me and I don’t really want to pay the money to purchase a new one at this time, so I was wondering about adding some salt (and what kind) to the detergent to help keep clothes nice and white. Any ideas?
I’m actually not really sure about this…maybe someone else can help? Or possibly googling around for homemade soap and hard water?
Let me know if you find your answer:)
Thanks for reading and commenting Angie!
I think since you add baking soda, that this will help to soften the water. Salt does, too. My in-laws had a water softener and all that was in it was salt. So, I am thinking since baking soda is rather salty that this might help. Or you could add a bit of salt to the recipe, of course, you’d have to use more than the label calls for for the added ingredient.
I have hard water and have used a liquid version of this soap. My clothes come out super soft. I love it! Adding vinegar to the rinse helps release any minerals and also keeps hair from sticking to the clothes.
I made I first batch of homemade soap, today. It took no time at all. I uses 1 bar each of white and pink Zote, ( I liked the white was easier grat), 1 box of each mule 20 borax, A&H washing soda, and A&H baking soda (4lb) and 3lb container of oxi-clean. I did use 1/4 of bottle of Purex Cystsls. I did not run my sop thru the food processor I ended up with 8 1/2 mason jars full. I figured at using 2oz bet load I should have about 350 loads, not bad for under $20.00
You go girl! Enjoy!
how many loads will this recipe clean, using the 2 tablespoons per load?
It should be about 32 loads:)
Hi, I just wanted to say, I am so thrilled with your website! It’s so great, simple to read, and right on. thrilled with this laundry recipe! Thanks for sharing!!
Can you use your own homemade soap instead of the store bought? I love homemade soap and have some that is already grated up. I would love to use this up in this for Christmas gifts. Also, the jars look to be Quart jars. Is this the case?
Hi Deborah, yes those are quart jars. I think any soap would work in bar form because it’s not super sudsy. So I would maybe avoid Dawn, not that you would use that…just thinking.
I would try it first and see, but as long as you keep it low suds the new HE washers will love it:)
I just made my first batch of laundry soap. I used my cuisinart food processor to grate the fels-naptha and then I placed it in a separate bowl. I would take 2 c. of the fels-naptha and add it back into the food processor where I then would add a couple cups of borax and mix using my blade so it would make the fels-naptha more fine. I then added everything to the bowl and threw in some lavender crystals to give a nice smell. I must say though, the smell of the soap without the crystals is so fresh that next time I may not add any crystals at all. I actually had enough stuff to make a batch and a half which filled up 6 qt. mason jars. I figure about a scant 1/4 c. per load (because of the addition of the crystals) making each jar good for 15 loads of laundry and for a total of 90 loads per batch and a half. The cost (not including the jars) was about 15 cents a load. What a bargain. I can’t wait to see how it makes my clothes so nice and clean and fresh smelling. Thank you for sharing this recipe. I only wish I had known about it when I had 7 kids living at home, now they’re all grown up and living on their own.
I am with you, I am going to leave the crystals out next time too..
I made the laundry soap. The next day I noticed it separated. Is this normal? Did I do something wrong? Any advice will be appreciated. Thank-you.
Hi Sandy!
This is a dry recipe, did you make it wet? I’m not sure how it would have separated otherwise…
Let me know and I’ll try to help
I have used this for a while and I LOVE it!
Tip: Like Gain Apple Mango Tango?
Try adding a bar of Soft Soap Cranberry Pomegranite! Smells just like Gain!!
Have a good one…
I personally started using a recipe a friend threw at me no measuring just said dump a box of each and one bar of fels-naptha shredded and food processor to blend …….okay? I had just purchased a high efficiency washer because my washer became incontinent all over my floor and rather than nickle diming it to death as my mother would say lol I decided to leap into the modern day with H.E. washer dryer. Expensive but well worth the money. Anyway so here was the dilema…I had a very expensive machine and the H.E. detergent is sooooooo expensive and I am a frugal person by nature and the idea of paying $6.00 for a small bottle of liquid detergent that just wasn’t even going to do the job made me think there has got to be an alternative. So my friend said oh ya I make my own and I also have an H.E. washer and it works fine. I asked how she does it she said liquid form sounded complicated and like it took forever so I said well I don’t have that much time and she said well there is a powder version. Normally I am highly allergic and break out in hives from powdered detergents or anything with perfumes and dyes of any kind so I was immediately discounting the idea and then she said well make a batch if you don’t like it I will buy it from you. Well heck what did I have to lose right? Her instructions were dump all powdered ingredients in a bucket and shred one bar of Fels and dump that in and close the bucket and roll it around for a while. I didn’t care for the way it mixed and the fact that the “cheesy” soap was in such large pieces to me anyway soooooo my less than brilliant self said hm blender….after killing three blenders I finally purchased a food processor lol then because I still didn’t feel it was fine enough I used a coffee grinder on the finest grind setting possible and walla I had my own super fine powder that instantly dissolves in hot or cold water so well I have had NO issues with hives and my clothes come out clean soft and smell great! Here we pay a state tax and a county tax for everything so for around $17.00 I can make 6 full batches which fit into two coffee cans and for people like us with small spaces to store items they are awesome because they are compact and they stack. I use a 1/2 tbs for small to extra small loads 1 full tbs for regular loads and 2 full tbs for large or heavily soiled loads. I keep a spare bar of fels on hand for pre-treating stains and it works awesome. My recipe that I adapted to accomodate the max a food processor can hold is 1 cup each dry ingredient and a full bar of fels shredded then i put it into the food processor (this is the max the food processor will hold at one time) and use pulse setting til it looks mixed up good and then I add one cup at a time to my coffee grinder which has a hopper that dispenses into the grinder and out into a cup to dispense. I end up with an ultra fine powder and with the measurements we use on our laundry in our H.E. washer and a date on the coffee can that says when I made it we discovered that it took us 7 1/2 months to use all of the initial 4 batches I made. It comes out to be approximately 4 cents a load! I suppose you could leave out the baking soda but I happen to like using it for the added odor control and it’s a natural anti sudsing agent from what my friend said. not sure if that is true or not but I have absolutely no suds in my soap but it sure is cleaning and took out chocolate I had on my jeans from making dirt cake for my husbands birthday last month lol. You may have some sore arms and scrape your knuckles grating the soap but it’s so worth the effort to save the $$$$$ over time. Just knowing that for around $17.00 I can get 384 loads of laundry (assuming 1tbs per load is used) vs name brand products that use 1/8 or 1/4 cup per load while I am using a measly 1 tbs per load. It’s so worth it and everyone should do it!
I did discover that as the soap sits it appears that the fels tends to rise up to the top. I can see pools of it just sitting there but I figure it must be because it is so dense it is “floating” while the powder is “settling” so I just mix it up every so often with a small wire wisk and it seems to be fine far as I can tell.
I use zote. Ivory made my washer stink, and felsnaptha doesn’t work with our water. I like the smell of zote too. One thing I do before I put the soap in the mini-processor is cut it up into 1inch chunks and microwave them a few at a time for about 30 seconds. After cooling, they crumble into a nice powder.
Can I use this in my HE washer?
Made my first batch last night, following your instructions. I used Zote, as I found it with all the ther ingredients on the detergent aisle at Wallmart. I grated the Zote (I used white) and put all the dry ingredients in a 5 gal. bucket. When the soap was grated I added it to the dry mix and stirred it up with a big wooden spoon. The powder mix is very fine, and if you stir to vigourously it will be all in the air an up your nose and in your throat so be careful! My husband came into the room AFTER I had finished and had a sneezing fit from the leftovers in the air! After I hand mixed everything I put two cups at a time into my Ninja smoothie mixer and processed it till it was so blended that the soap was invisible. I then transferred the mix back into the bucket and hand mixed everything again before putting it into containers. I found large plastic
…sorry, hit my enter button! I found large plastic (3qt) containers with lids at Dollar Tree. I was very pleased with how my Ninja worked at producing a product that looks exactly like regular powdered detergent. I don’t feel I need any added crystals or fragrances, as I like the clean fresh scent the mixture makes. My clothes are clean and fresh smelling and no one is having allergic reactions on their skin. I love this is more eco friendly than reg. products, plus how much cheaper it is. I am giving batches to the in-laws this Christmas! I am on to homemade softner/lotions/deoderants/etc.! Merry Christmas everyone!
I love that you gave some as gifts..how’d it go over? :)
Hey! I love this! For those of you looking to add scent to your laundry, I add a few drops of my favorite essential oil to a slightly damp washcloth and add it to the dryer load, works wonders!
Christine…first I want to thank you for sharing your recipe. We are needing to budget and my hubby and I are going to make homemade laundry soap for the first time. I am grateful that you mentioned reading all the posts for extra hints..I read them all! :)
Thanks so much!!! Sorry I missed your comment earlier:)
I made this recipe last week and I love love love it!!! My only question is, is there something that can be done about static? It’s an issue I’ve had since before using this but I’m hoping somebody can help.
The recipe that I used before included dry fabric softener and dry oxi-clean powder. I think the fabric softener helped with the static, but I continued to use dryer sheets anyway.
I use dryer sheets regularly and have even used liquid fabric softener. Nothing helps :(
Here’s a tip I love for cutting static:
Cut a couple of rectangular sponges up in fourths. Fill a jar with half liquid fabric softener and half water. Put the sponges in with the water. Every time you put a load of laundry in the dryer, just put one of the sponges in with it. When you fold the laundry, just put the sponge back in the jar to use again.
Use tennis balls in the dryer, no static
Tennis balls? How many? I have never heard that before, but I’m definitely willing to give it a shot.
I just read a blog yesterday, don’t know if it works but I am going to implement it:
-1/4 vinegar for softness (add at start of wash)
-tennis ball for fluff in the dryer
-tight ball of aluminum foil in dryer for static (instead of softener sheets or softener, supposed to last 6 months!
I’m anxious to try these…so inexpensive especially with this great recipe, which by the way, the recipe above is excellent and I’ll never buy store bought again!
Try using 1/2 cup vinegar to the wash, it deodorizes, softens and brightens whites as well as colors.For whites add a couple of cheap asprins with the vinegfar and presto, beautifully white, without bleach. Very thankful to the lady that turned me on to this laundry trick.
I love the idea of the asprin. I will give it a try! So many great ideas out there
Hi, I just started using vinegar, I put it in the fabric softener dispenser in my machine and use wool dryer balls with some essential oil dripped on them in the dryer. works awesome! I got the the dryer balls from my co-op but they do sell them on amazon. everything so far is soft and static free. Can’t wait to try this soa.
You can also try adding vinegar to the rince cycle. The clothes don’t smell like it when you take them out. Vinegar is good in the wash cycle to get Stinky Boy smell out of the clothes too!! LOL
Has anyone tried this with Dove soap?
Brenda, I have used Dove and other soap and personally I thought it was way to strong. It worked just fine, so if you enjoy the smell then you will love it :)
I use Dove and omit the baking soda…love it. Clothes come out smelling fresh and very soft.
love the way you packaged your soap….I was wondering where you found the awesome mason jar lids?! I think they definately add a very special touch :) (is the lid under the metal ring glass?)
Heather :)
That’s actually just the way those old jars are…pretty cool huh?! They have a glass lid and metal ring instead of all metal.
I’m sure you could find some at a vintage/thrift/antique store:)
Have a great day!
I live in NL, Canada. I have been looking for the super washing soda & i cant find it anywhere. Anything else i could use instead????
Here, try this! http://naturesnurtureblog.com/2012/05/08/ttt-turn-baking-soda-into-washing-soda/ :D
You can make washing soda by baking some baking soda in the oven. It turns it from baking soda to washing soda just google it. I have done it before when the store was out and couldn’t tell any difference :) it’s also much cheaper that way
I am writing an article for college students on how to save money and thought this was great. May I use the picture and recipe( cited of course)?
I just made my 1st batch and grated the Fels-Naptha in my food processor and then put it back in the food processor with the blade and proecessed it until it was finely ground up. Does the smell the the Fels lesson over time? It is pretty strong.
I do think the smell lessons over time, it smells sweet and nice to me now;) I think we get used to it, and it dissipates a little..
hi just wondering, with HE washers do you still put the soap in the spot your expose to, or in the load with the clothes?
Hey, yep same spot, where you would put powdered detergent.
Do you use the same amount in HE washers? 2 Tbsp.
After reading the ingredients in the bar soap used with this recipe I knew I wanted something chemical free and no fragrance, I found this one http://www.pioneernaturalsoap.com/bar-soap.html I’m going to give it a try. so if you want something more natural this is it, you get 1lb for 13.00.
I have made a recipe very similar to this one and I had mixed results. We do a lot of gardening, chicken coop cleaning, and the messes that go along with toddlers : ) I have a pretty hard time getting my clothes to look as clean as I’d like. I was intrigued by the Fels-Naptha as I would love some stain removal help but it contains some toxic stuff. Any suggestions on a soap to use other than Fels-Naptha?
I am not sure about the toxicity, but I have seen people use Zote soap, I have seen it at our local KMart. When I make my detergent I usually save a small piece of the soap to get tough stains out. Also I make my own fabric softener and it uses vinegar which helps brighten clothes and takes odors out. CAUTION DO NOT USE ANY VINEGAR AND BLEACH TOGETHER IT WILL PRODUCE TOXIC FUMES. Others have used Ivory soap, not sure about how those work though. You could also try googling homemade lye laundry detergent.
I used dr. bronners castile soap, worked great and no toxic stuff.